The 4chan Video Bin Channels Example

The Day 4chan Died

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Fuck to this song.

I double DARE you to fuck to this song.

This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. CHILDREN, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and China. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.


A short, short, time ago
I can still remember how the the images used to make me smile
And I knew if I had a year
that I could make those channers cheer
And maybe they'd stop trolling for a while

But Gamer Gate it made me shiver
With ever story the news delivered
Insults on the front page
I couldn't support their wage

I logged right off and went outside
When I read about moot's site suicide
With something sick down deep inside
The day that 4chan died

So bye-bye 4chan posting you guys
Sent my browser to the website but the board had just died
And them good old trolls were saying connection denied
Singing this'll be the day free speech died
This'll be the day free speech died

Did you know this guy named moot
Made a site and it's quite a hoot
And it's free speech you know
Do you believe that Oprah troll
With the over 9000 lulz
And can you make it into a video

Well I know you said it's just a site
But I'm always on it every night
Making fun of the news
Man I hate those Fox news boobs

I was a prepubescent trollin' fuck
With a shit post score that was stuck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day 4chan died

I started singing Bye Bye Misanthropic Website
Your faggotry was tragically cut short in its prime
Now every Rule 34 is just a Rule 35
Singing this'll be the day free speech died
This'll be the day free speech died

Now for ten years we've always pwned
And Pedobear has come on home
But that's not how it should be
When we all were part of Chanology
Making fun of scientology
With a voice that came from you and me

And while rick rolling was goin round
The pool was closed right on down
The posting was adjourned
The joking was absurd

And while the mods read of lolcats
We passed around some gaming stats
And we sang dirges in the chats
The day that 4chan died

We were singing Bye Bye Misanthropic Website
What's the point in all the balling when your balls have run dry?
You could have avoided this in one short reply
Singing this'll be the day free speech died
This'll be the day free speech died

Oh and there we were all in one place
A generation in cyberspace
With no time left to start again
So come on, Post some shit and post it quick
Bane post now or are you sick
Cause the fire still rises now

And as I watched him take the stage
My hands were clenched with fists of rage
Moot can go to hell
Swayed by money's spell

And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the social justice rite
I saw Anita laughing with delight
The day that 4chan died

*** but what were we singing? ***

We were singing bye bye 4chan, it has been nice
You didn't kill us, you just spilled us out into the good night
Sarkeesian and Quinn, they didn't take down a thing
(Unless you count the millions in loot
they lost in website value for moot.)

Well I met anons who went 8chan
And I told them I was a fan
But they just went all afk
I went to my favourite boards
Taken over by SJ hordes
But I really didn't want to stay

And in the threads the oldfags screamed
The SJs sighed and the trolls dreamed
But not a post aloud was spoken
All the boards were broken

And the man I used to admire the most
The Father of chan, got one final post
Then I dumped the site, cuz it was toast
The day that 4chan Died

Now we're singing Bye bye half chan, have a great life
We don't forgive we don't forget and it's no different this time
We'll see you in hell when we've drawn up the designs
Singing this'll be the day free speech died
Or this'll be the day that they tried

Hi, I got the invite
Your scum is similarly villainy with less wretched hives
Where good oldfags can bond with newfags alike
Singing this'll be the day we survived
This'll be the day we went live

- Lyrics by Nephanor and the Doctor
Music by Jack Daniels and the Doctor

Go here for music:

And thanks to:

Christian Barz
Charles Belton
Jose Ferrer
Ranger Dave
Omar A
Remy Demarest
Adam Courchaine
Andrew Howe
Ali B Alshaikh
Taylor Napier