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Human Rites in the RPF - Tear Down The Wall - Berlin Legacy - Why We Fight II

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The CoS's slave labor camps are an outrageous affront upon public morality.
Church devotees committed to the CoS's "Rehabilitation Project Force," are routinely deprived of a number of universally recognized human rights.
These include:
The right to be recognized everywhere as a person under the law.
The right to freedom from undue restriction on affiliation and correspondence.
The right to be free from inhuman, cruel, or degrading punishments.
The right to be free from compelled servitude.
The right to due process under law.
The primary right of a member committed to the RPF is to "Full Scientology Justice at the hands of his Seniors and peers in the Rehabilitation Project Force."
The RPF is a looming shadow over the lives of individuals who were wooed to this organization by the promise of saving the world from certain extinction.
It maintains a culture of fear that destroys families and individual lives.
The RPF, along with other institutionalized forms of slave labor within the church such as the Estates Project Force and the children's Cadet Orgs, must be abolished.
Write to Amnesty International, regarding abuses of Human Rights by the Religious Technology Center and Church of Scientology worldwide.
Write to the United States Department of Justice, The United States Attorney General, and members of the United States Congress, about the perversions of justice that have allowed the Church to function as a tax-exempt inquisition-for hire.
Correspondence to the Department, including the Attorney General, may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Join the Anonymous protests in your area.

These protests will continue until they have resulted in the dismantling of the Church of Scientology in its present form.

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Video by LRonHu88ard

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