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Scientology's Holy Land - LA City Council - LRonHubbard Way

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One of the women who brought this before the counsel has been stalked and sexually stalked by perverts and agents of the cult.

Here is the Church of Scientology's video

What a church!!!

Hollywood, CA - Residents on L. Ron Hubbard Way are standing up to the Scientology sekt, and asking the LA City Council to limit the 100+ days per year that the street is closed to the public. Residents have been blocked from their homes, prevented from driving, and forced to give their driver's license numbers and social security numbers to the sekt in order to park their cars nearby.

Family members and friends are denied access to visit -- even for a birthday party.

Residents report that these restrictions have been imposed for nearly ten years, with the approval of the Los Angeles City Council. Some have stated that they fear reprisal from the sekt if they address these grievances by speaking in public.

The Los Angeles City Council is preparing to rule on the sekt's current applications to close this public street for every weekend for the next year. Scientology has claimed L. Ron Hubbard Way and the surrounding area as it's own personal Holy Land -- accessible only to the chosen few. This is a public street supported by taxpayer funds, and should be accessible to all, as prescribed by Los Angeles Municipal Codes.

We invite you to take the L.Ron Hubbard Way Challenge: take a stroll down this "public street" with a camera in hand.

Count the warm smiles you encounter. Now, count the surveillance cameras.

Smile! You will have been added to the massive stacks of intelligence files the sekt maintains on its active and potential enemies.

Or, you could just take the words of Scientology's neighbors at face value.

Please support non-scientologist residents of L. Ron Hubbard Way, as well as all taxpaying citizens, by contacting the Los Angeles City Council to challenge this misuse of public resources.

Contact council members Labonge and Garcetti to voice your complaints:



Video by LRonHu88ard

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