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The Ides of March - Anonymous vs Scientology - Why We Fight I

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Poem Explained, who are these victims:

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The Ides of March

On 10 Feb 2008, Anonymous staged historic demonstrations against the Church of Scientology worldwide. The church called Anonymous "cyber-terrorists" and "bigots," and withdrew back into the shadows.

the voice of truth abides

"A" for Astra Woodcraft, and the child she fled to save.

She faced the chill of disconnect, and others tithed their babes.

"N" for Noah Lottick, who was only 24.

With a slim fistful of dollars, he sailed from the tenth floor.

"O" for drowned Ophelias who perished in the deep:

Ostertag, The Pilot, Margaret Winkleman, and Pete.

"N" is for Not Drowning: Josephus in the bath,

his death a dark monstrosity of cruelty and wrath.

"Y" is what we ask aloud as we behold the sight

of your ostentatious monoliths, their windows shut to light.

"M" is for McPhearson, Moxon-Meyer, Meister, Mills.

And a Mom named Ellie Perkins, whose son could not take pills.

Mom-in-law Miscavige, Mack, Mooney, and McCann:

A dark march of mortality, morbidity, and scam.

"O" is for oblivion upon a hangman's noose,

or the deathcall from the window-ledge where many faced their truth.

"U" are who I ask to look upon this soul's dark night.

Why are they dead? There's not just one.

And this is why we fight.

"S" for Scientragedy: innocence betrayed.

CO$ beware the Ides of March:

We are Legion.

Be Afraid.
