Scientology : Beware the Ides of March
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Hello again, Leaders of Scientology.
This is Anonymous.
By now the full effect of our actions should be reaching you. By now you should be able to see that our actions are serious, and our will, strong.
107 Protests World Wide.
An estimated 8000 Protesters.
All bringing light to the Public, where you would rather them stay in Darkness. Anonymous heeded the call of Brotherhood against your corruption and have sown the seeds of knowledge in the public.
We grow now faster then ever before. We have garnered support from long time Scientology protesters, the everyday people, and the media. In one day we have cast enough doubt in the public mind that apathy is no longer an option for them to consider.
But our mission is far from over.
The Ides of March draw near, and on that day, another Protest will occur. We will prove once gain that while your Organization is skilled at disseminating lies and fear amongst the Public , Anonymous are bringers of Truth and Peace.
So do what you must to calm the maelstrom that is raging within your Organization. Do what you must to blind the Public, the Public that has seen the light and is wanting more. Do what you must to attempt to Destroy us.
You will Fail.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
and Now, no one will Forget.
Beware the Ides of March